Ten Ways to Crush 2020
I am updating something I said 12 months ago, this time focusing on how to crush 2020.
If you want to make the absolute most out of the coming year, here are my top 10 tactics for total tenacity and triumph…..And I apologize for the terrible alliteration.
In no particular order:
1. Don’t make a New Year’s resolution. Make a plan.
2. As Nir Eyal says in his fine book “Indistractable,” master your internal triggers. Listen to them.
3. Speaking of writing things down, well everyone gets excited about to-do list, write a not-to-do list.
4. Cry more. The shortest verse in the Bible is John 11:35 and describes what Jesus did when he learned that his friend Lazarus had died. “Jesus wept.”
5. Pick up your smartphone and delete your social media apps. Delete them. I dare you.
6. Small is huge. A lot of us get grandiose ideas about how this year’s going to be different/way better/more powerful etc than last year, and we forget that small wins are the key to success.
7. Don’t lie to yourself about your willpower. None of us have strong willpower. You are weak, and I am weak, and we both need constant, deliberate reliance on the grace of God to do anything well.
8. Get thee to a Latin Mass. Go for the sumptuous silence, the reverent atmosphere, the sight of young large families, the smells and bells, the fellow Catholics actually singing, and the aerobic exercise afforded by sitting, standing, and kneeling.
9. Don’t argue about the Faith. Even if you win the argument, as Bishop Sheen said, you can lose the soul. I know this sounds counterintuitive, but…
10. This last one is a joke one: be part of the Coffin Nation community.
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Great list! I already have #10 done so I might as well finish the list. Coffin Nation is truly a resource for the “cultural soul” as God is for the human soul. The contemplation stirred by God helps us love our neighbor while contemplation stirred by Coffin Nation helps improve the neighborhood! 🙂
Haha THANKS, Brad! I forgot about the “sending also to CN part” when I shot it. Blessed to have you, man. Can we set you post to music? Maybe as a limerick?
Of course just don’t edit me too much! LOL