The NOT TO DO List : 20 Bad Habits You Can Stop Today
Everyone’s into making a To Do List. Here are twenty bad habits you can stop today, or at least over time. I propose a Not To Do List. Here are the first ten…
1. Speaking more than listening
2. Twitter/Facebook/Instagram more than twice a day
3. Not praising your spouse in public
4. Being concerned about what people think of you
5. Being concerned about human respect rather than God’s law
6. Gossiping
7. Not writing important things down
8. Praying only when you feel “holy feelings” or when the wheels of life have fallen off instead of praying every day, on purpose. Why? Because you wrote it down!
9. Watching hours and hours of sports every week
10. Forgetting to say “thank you” and “please”
If you halt these in their tracks, your peace and happiness levels will rise almost at once. Try it, and leave your comments below!
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I believe Patrick was offering these 20 habits that we ought to stop. We could word it as such for #1 – I ought to stop speaking more than listening.
Perhaps I am dense or wrong-thinking, but is #1 worded correctly? Is the advice to not listen more than you speak?