Catholic Governors vs Bishops: What’s Next?
Will the Catholic Bishops in the United States restore the Mass and provide greater access to the sacraments? That’s the question a lot of us are asking. Canon lawyers like Cathy Caridi and Dr. Ed Peters have weighed in with their concerns and skepticism.
Professor Janet Smith has spearheaded a lay-led effort to urge the bishops to reconsider the total ban on Church attendance and forbidding things like confession. I will be talking with her about this on Monday, April 6th at 12 noon, Pacific 3 p.m. Eastern on a live stream Hangout, simulcast on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.
Catholics are watching a very strange battle unfold before their very eyes.
Texas governor Greg Abbott and Florida governor Ron De Santis are both pro-life Catholics, and both have refused to shut down churches and synagogues describing places of worship as essential services for the citizens of their state. But the bishops of both States disagree and have in some cases gotten ahead of Caesar to impose an absolute ban on even stepping foot inside a church. It is strange indeed to see the civil authorities regard Church attendance as an essential service, and refused to close the doors of churches and synagogues…with the Church leaders themselves strongly disagreeing. And don’t get me wrong; no one but a professional Bishop Basher thinks that our fathers in Christ woke up one day licking their chops, and plotting how they can best keep their people away from the Lord in His Sacrament. Without a doubt, they believe they’re acting in our best interests. But this situation is even more chaotic when it comes to Catholics in Canada.
The Archdiocese of Halifax where I grew up has imposed to total ban on Church attendance. Same with Toronto. But the Bishops of Alberta disagree and you can go to church in any diocese in the province of Alberta.
Don’t believe me? We should start calling The Drudge Report The Dread Report. All of this dread bait is designed to keep you cowering in your house filled with fear and anxiety. Are you aware that the commie virus has killed far fewer people so far in 2020 compared to influenza A and B, malaria, AIDS/HIV, traffic accidents, and abortion? The antidote to fear and anxiety is faith in Jesus, the Son of God, and in his saving passion, death, and Resurrection. Add your voice in the link below.
The celebration of this Paschal mystery at Easter is coming fast.
Join the live stream Monday, April 6th, 12 noon Pacific, 3 p.m. Eastern with Professor Janet Smith. Submit your questions for Dr. Smith via the Forum.
Resources Mentioned
- Sign the Petition to the bishops
- Archdiocese of Edmonton statement
- Canon lawyer Cathy Caridi’s blog
- Canon Lawyer Dr. Ed Peters’ blog
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