Coping With a World of Lies
In this video, I summarize the many examples of lies that surround us and assail us, and points to the antidote. There is a saying attributed to Malcolm X that he probably didn’t say, but is nonetheless true:
“If you’re not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.”
Topics Covered
- In a fundamental sense, it’s true because this world is run by the devil, and the word of God in John 8:44 tells us that “the devil is a liar and a murderer from the beginning.”
- The oligarchs around the world softening the ground for World communism using such word salad combinations as “great reset” and “build back better” and “inclusive capitalism.”
- A sign of this alliance between the Vatican and worldly powers that are no friend of Christ in the deliberately ugly nativity scenes set up in Saint Peter’s in Rome.
- We live under a manufactured pandemic. Not the virus, but the pandemic.
- The lie is the commandment—the diktat—to wear facial diapers, which do not prevent the spread.
- The lie is the presupposition that social distancing is not an oxymoron.
- The lie is the change of the very definition of shlamdemic by the World Health Organization in 2009.
- The lie is Anthony Fauci SCREENSHOT telling our children he went to the North Pole and vaccinated Santa Claus.
- The lie is the refusal to admit the largest spike in suicide and Suicidal Thoughts in American history since the lock down in March.
- The lie is the shutdown of Christian churches.
- How about the vaccine is not necessary for a virus it has a recovery rate of over 99% and that is treatable and preventable by other means?
- The lie is also heard clearly in the things we say to each other, like saying “stay safe” as we part , and in the non-stop propaganda on billboards, coffee shops grocery stores, Big Box corporate retailers, bus stops, TV and Amazon ads, and, most depressingly, church bulletins.
- The birth of Jesus Christ offers not a great reset but a new creation.
- And thanks to the heartfelt yes by the ultimate Jewish mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, we rejoice that the God of the universe became a helpless baby to live a human life like ours in all things but sin, and to empower us to share his very divine nature.
- The wood of the manger is a token of wood of the cross. In many languages manger means to eat, and he was born in the town of Bethlehem which is Hebrew for House of Bread.
In his case, the Bread come down from heaven. And that’s the truth.
Merry Christmas!
- USCCB statement on the COvid19 vaccine
- Article on the suicide pandemic by Dr. Aaron Kheriaty, MD:
- Article by Dr. Jeff Barke, MD on the rushed vaccine
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