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Defending Celibacy-again!

The (let’s face it) kooky “working document” for the upcoming Pan Amazonian Synod in October has a lot of people scratching their heads if not outright worried about what’s in store.

I give the biblical and traditional evidence for celibacy and offer some thoughts to those who are vexed by the prospect of liberal bishops trying to drop the beautiful and badly needed lifestyle — starting with remote rainforest, and ending in your hometown.

Stuff mentioned:

Summary of Working Document on Synod: HERE

Bible verses:

Jer. 16:1-2

Ex. 9:15

Deut. 5:28

Mt 19

Mt 22

1 Cor. 7:32

1 Cor. 7:38

1 Tim. 3

1 Tim. 4:1-3



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