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Livestream Hangouts: Did We Go to The Moon? With Bart Sibrel

Did we actually go to the moon? His new book, Moon Man reveals, for the very first time, a military eyewitness’s deathbed confession of where “Apollo 11” was filmed, the CIA codename, plus Sibrel’s bizarre espionage adventures of being drugged and kidnapped by the CIA.

Bart Sibrel is an award winning filmmaker, writer, and investigative journalist, who has been producing television programs, documentaries, music videos, TV commercials, and stage plays for over thirty-five years, starting at the age of eighteen, hosting his own television talk show.

Buy his book Moon Man here:
Follow Bart on his website:




Thursday, June 30, 2021

5:00 PM PST

MARK MY CALENDAR 02/28/2019 06:00 PM 02/28/2019 7:00 PM North America ASK AWAY ASK AWAY - Join here: Patrick 15 coffinnation-event










  1. Avatar

    Could someone please reference the book mentioned by Michael Sirilla I can’t quite catch the author’s last name nor can I figure out if we have show notes available.
    Dr Lauren Kristoss? Christof? Help!

  2. Avatar

    I like the socractic approach when chatting with friends who are celebrating these docs. What are one or two essential questions to begin our dialogue?

  3. Avatar

    My husband, a convert from Presbyterianism, finds the Latin Mass preferable as all attention is focused on worshipping Jesus Christ in the Eucharist along with the celebrant. I agree. When I tell this to my Catholic friends they do not understand what I am talking about. They prefer English because it takes no effort, like a presentation or entertainment. The Latin Mass takes concentration as well as attention. There is also a greater sense of the sacred.

  4. Avatar

    From now on, I will certainly come here to watch the live streams, and to post comments! Thank you so much for this one. It’s the kind of subjects that have always been fascinating to me. Adam Blai is a great resource for information!

  5. Avatar

    This is probably a better way to ask questions. I had to figure out how it worked, but I think this is the best place to watch and comment.
    Thanks, Patrick!

  6. Avatar

    Hi Adam, can you ever envision a scenario in which the pope, the Vicar of Christ, could be possessed of a demon?

  7. Avatar

    Hi Adam, Can you ever envision a scenario in which the pontiff, the Vicar of Christ, could be possessed of a demon?

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