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Joe Biden: Practicing Calflick

In this video, Patrick Coffin uses a phrase he coined, “CalfLick” to denote Catholics who kick their Catholic Faith to the curb in the course of their political life and policy decisions. Somewhere along the line, people started buying the lie that people of faith must shed that faith if they are to serve the public in elected office.


Joe Biden, along with Like Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry, Andrew Cuomo and his late father Mario Cuomo, Dick Durbin, Gray Davis, Tim Kaine, Patrick Kennedy, his late father Ted Kennedy, Bob Menendez, Lisa Murkowski, Kathleen Sebelius, Robert BETO O’Rourke (all Democrats, but let’s not forget Republican pro-choice Sen. Susan Collins of Maine), needs a conversion of heart and mind.

Biden even supports China’s barbarous one-child policy. Not a typo. He said so in a talk to students at Sichuan University in 2011.



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