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Mass Hysteria Scares? Ignore ‘Em!


The lame scream media are hell-bent on keeping us in a constant state of fear.

In the 1960s. it was the overpopulation bomb sold by people like Paul Ehrlich.

Then it was UFO scares.

In 1978, Leonard Nimoy of Star Trek appeared in a documentary warning us about the coming Ice Age, which is accidentally hilarious because he’s so earnest and straight-faced. Don’t believe me? Click here.

Kind of like today’s celebrities regarding global warming, oops I mean climate change.

Then we had the AIDS scare. Then it was Legionnaires disease. Then it was Ebola behind every bush. Then it was swine flu. Then it was death from aspartame. (Remember that?) Then it was the belief that Procter & Gamble was run by Satanists and that the devil was in your toothpaste.

Then it was H1N1 bird flu

Then it was the SARS virus

Then it was the West Nile Virus

From time to time, it’s a giant meteorite

Then it was Killer Bees attacking from pretty much anywhere

And now it’s the Coronavirus.

The terror inducement never ends!

The words of Scripture were written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit many centuries before the rise of mass media. 

No need to join the hysteria. No need to pick up what the media lays down.

Now is a good time to remind ourselves of a couple of Bible verses:

“Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10

“There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and he who fears is not perfected in love.” 1 John 4:18

“In this world you will have trouble. Take heart I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

Get to know Jesus. And punch fear in the face.



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