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Stop Shooting the Messenger

It’s one of the most irritating problems in life, whether in the media ecosystem, politics, home life, or the Church: messenger-shooting.

What I mean is: we criticize and seek to silence (or shame) those who speak out either as whistleblowers, or as voices of objection raised against actual corruption.

In this video I give five examples of how this can happen:

1. In families where everyone walks on eggshells to enable the addict, and, if anyone dares to rock the boat, they are punished, or ignored, or scapegoated as a troublemaker.

2. Quillette journalist Andy Ngo brought a camera to Portland, OR, to cover the thug-coward group Antifa (you know, anti-fascist) and was “milkshaked,” surrounded and shoved, and then punched so hard he was put in the hospital. Andy was accused of being a “provocateur” who was dumb to show up there to begin with.

3. British writer (and atheist) Douglas Murray has been on the lonely forefront of candidy pointing out the dangers posed by Islamist militants in the UK. When two of them beheaded UK soldier Lee Rigby in broad daylight (shouting “Allahu Akbar”), Murray covered it. For his troubles, he has been called an Islamophobe, “divisive” and a general rabble rouser. Same could be said (perhaps worse) of Tommy Robinson.

In the Church, we have:

4. Monsignor Anthony Figueredo, the erstwhile priest assistant to then Cardinal Ted McCarrick. When he went public with what he knew, he was similarly scapegoated and dismissed.

5. The highest profile of all, the open letters of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò laid bare the serious allegation that Pope Francis must have known about the homosexual predator behavior of McCarrick, and other grave offenses, and called for his resignation. Again, the liberal press—for whom Pope Francis is a central mascot figure—pounced to denounce him. The Catholic left piled on with slurs like “liar” and “careerist.” That a retired, 78-year-old archbishop was in it for career advancement beggars belief.

We’re never attract converts as long as we ignore, deny, and deflect from some obvious truths. Let’s cut the crap. The truths sets us free, particularly the uncomfortable ones.


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