The Truth About the Masonic Lodge
The Masons, aka “Shriners” aka Freemasons. Are they a harmless bunch of old guys on mini-bikes in fez hats who run hospitals? No. In this video, Patrick Coffin gives a quick history of the Masonic Lodge, what they believe, and why Catholics cannot participate in their occultic organization.
Modern Freemasonry started in 1717 in England during the dawn of the Enlightenment. It’s a hodgepodge of new age Rosicrucianism, astrology, theosophy, and traditions of cultic groups such as the Druids, Mithars, Egyptian priesthood.
Freemasonry also involves the taking of occultic oaths, keeping the truth of Freemasonry a secret, indifferentism, and the subversion of the Church and the state. Members also open themselves to gruesome deaths if they reveal the inner secrets of “the Lodge.”
Popes since Clement XII in 1738 have said the same thing: Catholics cannot be Masons
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