What is up with Pope Francis?
This week has been a banner week for papal confusion and the shading of reality. A new website compiled by Msgr. Anthony Figueiredo, a former aide to the laicized homosexual molester Ted McCarrick, the former cardinal archbishop of Washington, DC, documents years of correspondence, most of which is quiet at odds with what McCarrick and now (in theory) retired Donald Cardinal Wuerl have said about McCarrick’s eclipsed activities by order of then Pope Benedict XVI.
The link: The Figueiredo Report
It all coheres with what Carlo Maria Viganò claimed in his letters.
Pope Francis also told Mexican TV journalist Valentina Alazraki that he didn’t remember—a LOT of things—especially things related to the pervert ex-prelate McCarrick. Quotes:
“I knew nothing, obviously, of McCarrick. Nothing, nothing. I said several times that I didn’t know, that I had no idea. You know that I didn’t know anything about McCarrick; otherwise, I would not have stayed quiet.”
There’s only one problem. He never denied a thing about McCarrick in public. Not once.
In the same TV interview, the Pope responded to the heresy accusations in last month’s Open Letter by telling her that he reacted “with a sense of humour, my daughter.”
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