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When Things Are Bad, Do THIS

In this video I want to strongly recommend something that is easy to say and hard to do.
It’s one of those recommendations that sound either impossible or just misguided, but extremely important as things in our lives and the world around us seem to get worse and worse.
It’s this:  praise and thank God for everything. All of it.
It’s easy to praise and thank God for good things, pleasurable things, happy things, stories of victory and healing, miracles and so on.
But when bad things start to happen, that’s crunch time.

There are many injustices and scandals:

  • Weak bishops
  • Bad priests
  • Good priests who get punished by weak bishops
  • Weaponized ambiguity from Pope Francis
  • Low-information Catholics who keep voting Democrat
  • Doctors and scientists who challenge the grand CDC/Fauci/Birx narrative are banned, deleted or disciplined
  • Out of control wildfires, natural disasters, and terrorist threats
  • Netflix with its new kiddie porn movie, “Cuties” (see Matt Walsh’s response below).

    It’s a long list!

    And of course you have your own sins and I have mine.

    So how can I say that the best response is to praise and thank God for all of it?

    Isn’t this giving the devil credit?  

    Praising God for calamities and evils like the ones I mentioned isn’t the same thing as being grateful for pain, or seeing God as a sadist.

    It all comes down to trusting that God, our all-loving father both ordains amazing things to happen to us and permits some painful things to happen to us.

    No matter what has happened to you and I, God has brought us to this moment. Nothing that has happened to us is a surprise to God. Every moment whether joyful or sorrowful is part of the mystery of God’s loving Providence.

    His Son Jesus Christ doesn’t wave a magic wand and take our pain away.

    He enters into it through the mystery of his cross, so that we can never say “God does not understand.”



    • Romans 8:28
    • 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
    • Psalm 21:4
    • 2 Chronicles 20 
    • Power In Praise by Merlin Carothers (Please note: Mr. Carothers believed in the “faith alone” tradition of men, and unfortunately quotes from the very bad 1971 Living Bible loose translation. Other than that, his simple book has some golden nuggets about the power and blessings unleashed by praising God in ALL things.)
    • He Leadeth Me: An Extraordinary Testament of Faith by Walter J. Ciszek, SJ


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