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How Can Birth Control Be Wrong?

Part II

This is Part Two of a free three-part video class on the reasons behind the Catholic Church’s teaching against contraception.

In this video, I explain the natural law reasoning behind the teaching. What is natural law? (what rational beings must do to perfect their natures.) How easy is it to understand? (Yes!) Why does the Church rely on it if it’s not something revealed by God in the Bible? (Because God does not need to reveal things in His Word that the human mind can grasp and obey.)

Why do couples refer to contraception as “protection”? Against what? (An innocent baby.)

Is this teaching ever going to change? (No—because it’s true.)


Get a copy of my latest book, The Contraception Deception: Catholic Teaching On Birth Control (EPR Publishing), USE Code COFFIN20 AND GET 20% OFF HERE.





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