How Can Birth Control Be Wrong?
Part III
In the first video in this three-part series on the roots and rationale for the Church’s teaching against contraception, I covered the biblical basis. In Video Two, I covered the natural moral law and how people of good will can grasp the truth of the teaching without recourse to the Church’s teaching or the Bible.
In Part III, I give you five facts that explode the myth that the world is suffering a population explosion (in reality it’s a population implosion), and two analogies to help understand the moral difference between natural family planning (NFP) and contraception. All the content is drawn from my book The Contraception Deception: Catholic Teaching On Birth Control.
Which is….on sale until August 8, 2020 in honor of the 52nd birthday of Humanae Vitae, the 1968 so-called “controversial” encyclical by St. Pope Paul VI.
For married or engaged couples, this information can not only transform your marriage, it can change your family tree forever.
Get a copy of my latest book, The Contraception Deception: Catholic Teaching On Birth Control (EPR Publishing), USE Code COFFIN20 AND GET 20% OFF HERE
Sale ends tonight August 8th.
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