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On the Faux Consecration

In this video, I summarize the reasons why I think the “Consecration of Ukraine and Russia” of March 25, 2022, is not only an ape of a Consecration but could have disastrous effects. God forbid.


  • Only a valid Pope can do a valid Marian consecration. Pope Benedict XVI is the true Roman Pontiff because he did not resign the office, or “munus”, of the papacy. See the video below for more background on the evidence for this conclusion.)

  • How strange that Pope Benedict appears in photos, meetings with friends and cardinals, weighs in on the Church crisis, but is not permitted to be a few thousand yards away for such a momentous event for the universal Church? His Mater Ecclesiae residence is literally just over the hill in the Vatican Gardens.

  • It is NOT being done according to the original 1917 formula in the request of the Mother of God, nor in the 1929 request made again through the surviving seer of Fatima, Sister Lucia.

  • If this were a true Consecration involving “all the bishops of the world” with global implications for all of humanity, don’t you think the Vatican would have given it a little more advance notice than a week and a half beforehand?

  • Since the March 15 announcement, the initial “Franciscan wording” has been altered.
    Now it’s this long-winded blend of woke ideology, Freemasonic buzz words, and saccharine sentiments with some traditional sounding phrases thrown in to hook the naive.

  • If the March 25, 1984 Consecration by Pope John Paul II was “accepted by heaven,” why is it being done AGAIN by Francis 38 years later?

  • Could it be that Russia is still not converted?

  • There are three possible outcomes:

    1) Nothing will change, the Ukraine-Russia conflict will continue until it ends, hopefully with Ukraine accepting her neutral buffer state status.

    2) It will escalate fast and get much worse since we’re really dealing with the ape of a consecration. God forbid.

    3) Almighty God will permit a quick end to the conflict, and the world will applaud its worldly leader as a miracle worker and prophet of peace (but it won’t be because of the Consecration)

  • Over the last 100 years, Sovereign Pontiffs have not done the Fatima consecration correctly. One miss after another, from pope after pope. My, we Catholics love tradition!


  • Seven Pieces of Evidence That Francis Is An AntiPope VIDEO

  • Acosta interview on details of the evidence VIDEO

  • Text of the 1929 Fatima request, with timeline. Article from EWTN here.

  • Text of Francis’ March 25, 2022 version in this ARTICLE.