The Truth About the SSPX
In this commentary, I shed some light on the backstory of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) and analyze their claim to being fully Catholic already.
- Their thin-skinned reactionary followers, their recalcitrance in the face of legitimate Catholic authority, and their zealous modus operandi, are oddly similar to the Medjugorje Movement.
- The SSPC is manifestly not in full communion with the Catholic Church.
- The recent bombshell exposé on SSPX cover-ups of sexual crimes by Christine Niles at Church Militant has put a silver dagger in the heart of the group’s proud assertion that they kept pure and uncorrupted by the scandal-ridden “Conciliar Church.”
- SSPX is a gateway drug to sedevacantism
- Let’s pray for all victims of sexual abuse
- Far-Right groups reflect High Church Protestantism
Decide for yourself where the truth lies.
- 2017 Letter by Pope Francis “Misericordia et Misera” on extending the SSPX priestly faculties beyond the Year of Mercy
- 2009 Lifting of SSPX ex-communication document by Pope Benedict XVI
- Official advice by SSPX to AVOID going to the Ordinary Form Mass on Sundays:(from 2:48 to 4:01)
- Letter that alleges Archbishop Lefebvre privately celebrated the very new Mass he attacked publically:
- 2017 Report on the SSPX cover-ups as revealed by Swedish TV station”
- 1909 Encyclical “Communium Rerum” by Pope St. Pius X:
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Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Just want to say, I joined an SSPX parish and was in it about 6 months up to Christmas just passed. Due to many things, I started researching and saw what Benedict XVI said, which you mentioned, as well as Cardinal Burke and left but have friends there and have felt some self doubt. This video was very helpful. Among other things I experienced there was (1) a sense of having to work very hard with very little grace, like just a trickle (felt like I was suffocating); (2) at an SSPX Ignation retreat, in a meditation God seemed to show me an image of the Pachemama worship in the Vatican Garden, a sense of great anger at – not so much this – but like an exasperation with traditionalists (which I was), as though He had permitted the idol worship to illustrate something to us trads – to say we were no different than that – it almost seemed like the instransigence of the trads was contributing to why God was permitting the heresy to continue; and (3) in conversation with my priest at the SSPX right before I left, a sudden image of Martin Luther like a projection on the priest’s face when his words reminded me of Luther becoming a monk against advice when it was not his vocation. Anyway, just so glad to see this video. Also – what do you think of Georges de Nantes? He was similar to Lefebrve but took the stance that we should not abandon our local, geographic Parish but stay, even if it was like a martyrdom and fight for the magisterium where they were; he said he fought against heresy until he saw so many going towards schism, and from then on he fought against schism.
Hi Katie:
Wow, what a note. Thank YOU so much for this. Very interesting insights I hadn’t thought about before, about, for example, idolatry. Your testimony can be of help to good people in SSPX who can’t quite pinpoint “the problem.” As much as I truly love the TLM, if legitimate Catholic authority removed it I would never leave the Church over my subjective liturgical preferences. Jesus founded the Catholic Church or He didn’t. Here in America we have suffered scandalously little for the Faith…I’m glad you became a nationista (our affectionate nickname for members!) I look forward to learning from you as we grow toward personal sanctity. It’s why we exist! AMDG.