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Top Three Covid Strategies

In this video, I give three practical ways to navigate the mask/jab/mandate/passport tyranny. Plus some important links below. You are not alone.


    • Right now humanity is divided up into three groups: about 30% of the population are 100% bewitched by the coronavirus Kool-Aid. They will end your friendship over this if they haven’t already. You will be told “no you can’t come to the wedding unless you’ve been vaccinated.” On the other end of the spectrum there are the red-pilled.  I understand that this coronavirus doom panic is manufactured. The middle 40% are the ones still on the fence. This video is for them.
    • The top three ways to navigate through this encroaching tyranny:

    1. Find the lawyers willing to fight for your rights. See links below.

    2. Ignore the things said and done by Pope Francis on this global scam. He is the Google of popes. Want to know the best course of action? Listen to Francis the Merciful and then safely assume the opposite is true. (Over 95% of the bishop suffer from Pontiphobia.)

    3. Pay attention to the whistleblowers and freedom fighters who have said by their ACTIONS that enough is enough. Examples are: Los Angeles Fire Department Captain Christian Granucci for his epic protest rant; University of California Irvine professor of Psychiatry, my friend Dr. Aaron Kheriaty, MD, who is suing UCIrvine over the jab mandate; Dr. Robert Malone the mRNA inventor pioneer who is now sounding the warning bell.

    • What do whistleblowers gain from speaking out? There is only the possibility of retribution by employers and scorn from peers, family, and friends. For starters.
    • The percentage of colonists in the Revolutionary War willing to fight King George III was only about 3%. If we can get to 3% who are willing to say the word NO, tyranny will lose, and We the People will win.



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