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Vera Sharav: Auschwitz Did Not Begin With Auschwitz: Unmasking Ominous Parallels ( Truth Over Fear summit 2021)


Holocaust survivor Vera Sherav, founder and president of the Alliance for Human Research Protection (AHRP), describes her experience in escaping from a Nazi concentration camp as just a little girl, and the astounding parallels with what’s happening today globally with COVID-19 measures and what happened in Germany in the 1930’s. Her presentation is eloquent, credible and truly shocking. Could it be the most important video of the century?

History teaches us that if Government is allowed to suspend civil rights & personal freedom in an emergency, Government will create emergencies & take control over our lives. The Nazis used fear of infectious epidemics to demonize Jews as “spreaders of disease.” Today, healthy, unvaccinated people are accused of being “spreaders of disease.”


Mrs. Vera Sharav is a concentration camp survivor, founder and president of the Alliance for Human Research Protection (AHRP), whose mission is to ensure that the universal human right to voluntary, informed consent to medical decision-making is upheld. Mrs. Sharav has testified before the FDA and the Institute of Medicine and served on a federal advisory committee. Her advocacy was instrumental in the suspension of multiple damaging experiments on children, and led to federal investigations on the exploitation of infants & children in foster care, who were used as guinea pigs in experimental AIDS drug and vaccine trials.
